In China a Writer Finds a Deep Well 莫言:一个中国作家的黑色幽默和独特魅力
The Fierce Imagination of Haruki Murakami 村上春树:创造力是个“黑匣子”
Agatha Christie: The First Lady of Mystery 阿加莎.克里斯蒂:悬疑小说女王
Herta Müller: A Soul Sailor 赫塔.米勒:心灵的远航者
Mark Twain:Novelist Humorist and Citizen of the World 马克.吐温:小说家、幽默家兼世界公民
The Hemingway You Didnot Know 欧内斯特.海明威:老爹的传奇人生
Charles in Charge 查尔斯.狄更斯:赢得生前身后名
Hans Christian Andersen: Father of the Modern Fairy Tales 汉斯.克里斯蒂安.安徒生:现代童话之父
E. B. White: Most Companionable of Writers E.B.怀特:最好的良师益友
Benedict Cumberbatch Just as Lovely as You Think He Is “卷福”:人见人爱的大众情人
Christian Bale: The Reluctant Movie Star 克里斯蒂安.贝尔:不愿当明星的演员
Cate Blanchett: Australia's Queen of Drama 凯特.布兰切特:百变的戏剧女王
Audrey Hepburn: Our Fair Lady 奥黛丽.赫本:永远的窈窕淑女
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A Last Long Talk with a Lonely Girl 玛丽莲.梦露:寂寞芳心
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Rachel Weisz: More than an English Rose 雷切尔.薇姿:独树一帜的英伦玫瑰
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Tricky Steps from Boy to Superstar 迈克尔.杰克逊:从小男孩到超级巨星
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Meryl Streep: A Life Beyond Reproach 梅丽尔.斯特里普:完美无瑕的演绎人生
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Elizabeth Taylor: A LustrousPinnacle of Hollywood Glamour 伊丽莎白.泰勒:好莱坞魅力的绚丽巅峰
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What David Beckham Meant to Soccer and the World 大卫.贝克汉姆:世界足坛的不朽传奇
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Nelson Mandela 1918~2013: Remembering an Icon of Freedom 纳尔逊.曼德拉:自由之魂
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Malala Yousafzai Has Become the Voice of Change 马拉拉.尤萨夫扎伊:凭着纸笔在战斗
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Margaret Thatcher: Found Her Voice and Transformed Britain 撒切尔夫人:改变英国的最强音
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Her Deepness: Sylvia Earle 西尔维亚.厄尔:深海女王
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Remembering the CBS Pioneer of 60 Minutes 迈克.华莱士:真相“拷问者”
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Helen Thomas: The FeistyScourge of Presidents 海伦.托马斯:折磨总统的新闻先锋
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Hayao Miyazaki: Celebrating the Quiet Moments 宫崎骏:歌颂平静的时刻
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Ang Lee: Filming the Unfilmable 李安:知其不可而为之
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The Great Success Story 史蒂文.斯皮尔伯格:成功并非偶然
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Nora Ephron: How I'll Miss Her 诺拉.艾芙隆:无法忘却的纪念
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The Adventurous Spirit 维尔纳.赫尔佐格:用脚步丈量世界的电影大师
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Walt Disney: One of the World's Greatest Dreamers 华特.迪士尼:制造快乐的梦想家
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Ben Affleck: From Actor to Auteur 本.阿弗莱克:从演员到导演的华丽蜕变
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The Zen of Woody Allen 伍迪.艾伦:无为而为的魔力
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Tim Burton: The Rise and Rise of an Auteur 蒂姆.伯顿:一个鬼才导演的崛起
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Lust for Life: Four Ways to Look at Van Gogh 文森特.梵高:生命的欲望
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Frederic Chopin: The Romantic Poet of the Piano 弗雷德里克.肖邦:浪漫主义“钢琴诗人”
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Isadora Duncan: Dance of a Goddess 伊莎多拉.邓肯:现代舞之母
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The Life of Elizabeth Barrett Browning 伊丽莎白.巴雷特.勃朗宁:诗如人生,人生如诗
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Olivia Bee: A Very Precocious Photographer 奥利维亚.比伊:18岁的天才摄影师
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Father of Superheroes 斯坦.李:超级英雄之父
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For Jeff Bezos a New Frontier 杰夫.贝索斯:不按常理出牌的亚马逊总裁
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Elon Musk: The Risk Taker 伊隆.马斯克:惊世骇俗的冒险家
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Inside Jobs 史蒂夫.乔布斯:用i打败时间
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Seeker Doer Giver Ponderer: A Billionaire Mathematician's Life of Ferocious Curiosity 詹姆斯.H.西蒙斯:非典型数学家的无限可能
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Douglas Engelbart's Unfinished Revolution 道格拉斯.恩格尔巴特:不仅仅是“鼠标之父”
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Michael Stern Hart: E-book Pioneer 迈克尔.斯特恩.哈特:电子书之父
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The Designer Coco Chanel 可可.香奈儿:法国先锋设计师
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Mark Zuckerberg: The Face of Facebook 马克.扎克伯格:“脸谱”王国的新凯撒
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Sheryl Sandberg: The First Lady of Facebook 谢丽尔.桑德伯格:Facebook的女当家
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Lonely Planet's Ambassador 托尼.惠勒:在路上的背包客
更新时间:2019-01-05 07:59:46