3.2 Outlines for Relevant Letters

3.2.1 The outline for enquiry letters

Enquiries should be written concisely and clearly to the point.That is,when making an enquiry,begin with what you want to ask and your reader knows what your enquiry is about at once.Say what needs to be said and then stop.

An enquiry letter may include the following points:

(1)Tell the receiver the source of the information about him or thank the receiver for his previous letter.

(2)State what your enquiry is about.

(3)State your specific requirements such as quantity,quality,specifications,date of delivery,terms of payment,etc.

4)Hope to receive an offer at an early date.

3.2.2 The outline for replies to enquiry letters

As for the reply to an enquiry,the reply should be prompt and courteous,and cover all the information asked for.

The following three points can be included in this kind of letters:

(1)Thank the receiver for his enquiry.

(2)Provide information asked for.

(3)Express your expectation for an order.