- GB50612-2010冶金矿山选矿厂工艺设计规范(英文版)
- 住房和城乡建设部
- 168字
- 2021-03-31 18:25:04
7.3 Grinding and Classification Flow Sheet
7.3.1 Stage grinding process flow shall be adopted for the ores with nonuniform mineral dissemination size or prone to overgrinding.
7.3.2 For conventional grinding process:the one stage grinding shall be adopted when grinding product with the size less than 0.074mm account for less than 65%;the two stages grinding shall be adopted when the product with size less than 0.074mm accounts for 65%-90%;and the three stages grinding be adopted when the product with size less than 0.074 accounts for more than 90%.
7.3.3 The autogenous or semi-autogenous grinding process shall be adopted for the ores with high contents of slime,clay and water as well as high plasticity index,which shall be provided with relevant test as basis.
7.3.4 For large-scale concentrator and the ore suitable for the autogenous or semi-autogenous grinding process,the grinding process shall be decided on the basis of test and also after the trade-off study with the other comminution process options.