The pom.xml file

The basic fundamental unit of work in Maven is the pom.xml file. This XML file is the main part of the Maven project folder structure, and is always located in the base directory of the project. The file contains all the necessary archetype plugins and dependencies for project building and deployment.

The PWP has this pom.xml file that builds sources, creates project WAR files, and deploys the projects with web.xml to the Tomcat server.

<project xmlns=""  xmlns:xsi=""  xsi:schemaLocation=""> 
  <description>Personal Web Portal</description> 
  <!-- properties --> 
  <!-- dependencies --> 
  <!-- Rest of the dependencies in sources --> 
        <!-- Apache Tomcat 7 Maven Plugin --> 
        <!-- Mojo Maven Plugin --> 

After setting the development and deployment environment, it is time to start configuring out the Spring MVC component of PWP.