Estimating the income bracket

We will build a classifier to estimate the income bracket of a person based on 14 attributes. The possible output classes are higher than 50K or lower than or equal to 50K. There is a slight twist in this dataset in the sense that each datapoint is a mixture of numbers and strings. Numerical data is valuable, and we cannot use a label encoder in these situations. We need to design a system that can deal with numerical and non-numerical data at the same time. We will use the census income dataset available at

How to do it…

  1. We will use the file already provided to you as a reference. We will use a Naive Bayes classifier to achieve this. Let's import a couple of packages:
    from sklearn import preprocessing
    from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB 
  2. Let's load the dataset:
    input_file = 'path/to/'
    # Reading the data
    X = []
    y = []
    count_lessthan50k = 0
    count_morethan50k = 0
    num_images_threshold = 10000
  3. We will use 20,000 datapoints from the datasets—10,000 for each class to avoid class imbalance. During training, if you use many datapoints that belong to a single class, the classifier tends to get biased toward this class. Therefore, it's better to use the same number of datapoints for each class:
    with open(input_file, 'r') as f:
        for line in f.readlines():
            if '?' in line:
            data = line[:-1].split(', ')
            if data[-1] == '<=50K' and count_lessthan50k < num_images_threshold:
                count_lessthan50k = count_lessthan50k + 1
            elif data[-1] == '>50K' and count_morethan50k < num_images_threshold:
                count_morethan50k = count_morethan50k + 1
            if count_lessthan50k >= num_images_threshold and count_morethan50k >= num_images_threshold:
    X = np.array(X)

    It's a comma-separated file again. We just loaded the data in the X variable just like before.

  4. We need to convert string attributes to numerical data while leaving out the original numerical data:
    # Convert string data to numerical data
    label_encoder = [] 
    X_encoded = np.empty(X.shape)
    for i,item in enumerate(X[0]):
        if item.isdigit():
            X_encoded[:, i] = X[:, i]
            X_encoded[:, i] = label_encoder[-1].fit_transform(X[:, i])
    X = X_encoded[:, :-1].astype(int)
    y = X_encoded[:, -1].astype(int)

    The isdigit()function helps us in identifying numerical data. We converted string data to numerical data and stored all the label encoders in a list so that we can use it when we want to classify unknown data.

  5. Let's train the classifier:
    # Build a classifier
    classifier_gaussiannb = GaussianNB(), y)
  6. Let's split the data into training and testing to extract performance metrics:
    # Cross validation
    from sklearn import cross_validation
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25, random_state=5)
    classifier_gaussiannb = GaussianNB(), y_train)
    y_test_pred = classifier_gaussiannb.predict(X_test)
  7. Let's extract performance metrics:
    # compute F1 score of the classifier
    f1 = cross_validation.cross_val_score(classifier_gaussiannb, 
            X, y, scoring='f1_weighted', cv=5)
    print "F1 score: " + str(round(100*f1.mean(), 2)) + "%"
  8. Let's see how to classify a single datapoint. We need to convert the datapoint into something that our classifier can understand:
    # Testing encoding on single data instance
    input_data = ['39', 'State-gov', '77516', 'Bachelors', '13', 'Never-married', 'Adm-clerical', 'Not-in-family', 'White', 'Male', '2174', '0', '40', 'United-States'] 
    count = 0
    input_data_encoded = [-1] * len(input_data)
    for i,item in enumerate(input_data):
        if item.isdigit():
            input_data_encoded[i] = int(input_data[i])
            input_data_encoded[i] = int(label_encoder[count].transform(input_data[i]))
            count = count + 1 
    input_data_encoded = np.array(input_data_encoded)
  9. We are now ready to classify it:
    # Predict and print output for a particular datapoint
    output_class = classifier_gaussiannb.predict(input_data_encoded)
    print label_encoder[-1].inverse_transform(output_class)[0]

Just like before, we use the predict method to get the output class and the inverse_transform method to convert this label back to its original form to print it out on the Terminal.